Blowing up cars - Do it at the right time, and you'll be fine.
That's right - What the hell are you doing in the basement then?
Winnie Pooh - The real deal (before Disney made it nice and cute).
Modern Bible - Genesis for the internet generation.
Your life sucks - Nobody loves you. Happy birthday, loser.
Be mine or die - Valentine's Day card from hell.
Beef jerky underwear - I couldn't possibly find a more terrible fashion crime to share...
Think! - It's hard to concentrate on two things at the same time.
Knowlage is power - I gots lot of it.
Hitler on vacation - What the hell...Translation? Anyone?
Emo kids! Here's a bath toy for you! - You're sad, you're profound, and nobody understands you. We get it.
Humans - Most lethal animals on Earth.
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