Drunk yoga - The easy way to do all the hard yoga postures.
70's fashion crime - Designed for people like you who make things happen.
Genious bum - He's pretty damn smart if you ask me.
Infidel shirt - Make it official. They already consider you one anyway.
Plastic Surgery sixpack - Because gym is for the insecure.
Slow down - As far as signs go, they don't get much more awesome than this one.
Darth Vader owned - Finally a punishment for all his evil deeds.
Gangsta car mod - This is where he gets shot when the cop walks up to the window.
It's hard to be king - ...of the mountain when you're just a fool on the hill.
Gorgeous bride - I've always wanted to marry someone like her...
Fabulous mohawk - He was considered tough back in the 70's.
Kickass shoe design - Creative footwear that offers the exhilarating joy of going barefoot.
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