Do not fold - You probably shouldn't fold it.
Christopher Walken mask - This will come in handy in my everyday life.
Sir Jeffery Hudson - A dwarf presented in a pie to king Charles 1st.
Spank it harder - Naughty ketchup bottle deserves it.
The horrors of plastic surgery - Now they both look like Jocelyn Wildenstein.
Oh, the irony! - The sign reads The speed should be reasonable. The crash happen in Tomsk, Russia.
Teen pregnancy - getting out of control.
Lobsters are like people - Jean Sulpice believes that lobsters and people have similar features.
So funny - Can't stop laughing.
Pepsi Twist with lime - Doesn't this advertisement make you want to run right out and drink one?
Gangsta face - He's definitely hiding something in his mouth.
Hey Shitter - If I catch you...
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