I thought... - You know I love corn.
God, the comic - The most awesome comic book cover ever.
Stay tuned - Radio 1 ad.
My next door neighbor wants to ban all guns - Their house is not armed. I respect their opinion and promise not to use my guns to help protect them.
Time Magazine June 24, 1974 vs. April 3, 2006 - In 70's all the scientists were telling everyone the next ice age was coming, and everyone believed them... and guess what happened?
Come to the table - Eat some more cake.
So ronery - This picture breaks my heart in pieces.
Build your own dinosaur - See it, map it out, build it.
Giuliano Stroe - 5-year-old bodybuilder from Italy. He has been training since the age of two.
Satan sucks - But does he do anything else?
Real-life Windows installation - I love that paper clip. He used to be one of my best friends.
Not your regular mayor - Stu Rasmussen - the nation's first openly transgender mayor.
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