Usage of cell phone - I love scientific-looking pie charts.
You're not paid to think - A mindless worker is a happy worker.
Solve half of the world's problems - Keep your religion and sex-life in the bedroom.
Realtionship explained by Mario - This is how you must build a bridge from "friend zone" to "relationship".
Are you lonely? - Lonely for what exactly?
What's big, red, and eats rocks? - Well... I guess that would be the big, red rock eater.
Poor drugosaur - His brain was damaged by pot so he went extinct.
Cars and owners - You know what they say about dogs and owners looking alike. The same story with cars.
World of Warcraft - Be very, very careful. It can ruin your life.
Bush shoe attack painting - Sold on eBay for $321.42 on February 3rd, 2009.
The great debate - I vote for B.
Hotdog on a stick covered in french fries - Almost as cool as bacon wrapped twinkie Stonehenge.
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