Ninja cat - Master of disguise.
Physics is gay - The balls are touching.
You failed - "My dick" is not an acceptable answer.
Pig nose mug - For when you want to feel like a pig.
Pussy - Natural energy drink.
Friendship - It means a lot.
Flies on crack - What's the most disgusting odor you have ever encountered?
Colonoscopy kit - Now you can do it at home!
TNMT French kiss - This picture destroyed all my good childhood memories.
Vintage ad (1939) - No skinny man has an ounce of sex appeal.
Can you fall for someone you've never met? - "I hope so, cause everyone I've met is a bunch of..." A quote from a stranger, written on an AOL advert in Brighton.
Logic - Another thing that penguins aren't very good at.
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